Weill Cornell Medicine is supportive of the permanent extension of telemedicine waivers that are in effect as a result of the current COVID-19 public health emergency. After experiencing a rapid expansion early in the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine is now widely viewed as an effective means for delivering care to patients. Weill Cornell Medicine has been a leader in this patient care modality since 2016. In results published online on June 15, 2022 in NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery, a majority of respondents credited telemedicine with improving patient health, providing good quality care and increasing access for vulnerable populations. Specifically, Weill Cornell Medicine supports making permanent the temporary waivers related to clinicians' ability to continue to provide telemedicine services to both new and established patients for acute and chronic conditions, continued and increased flexibility in acquiring and/or creating HIPAA compliant digital health platforms and permanent continuation of telephone/audio-only visits.